Toll roads

Learn where to direct your complaint about toll matters, Demand Notices or Penalty Infringement Notices. 

Toll roads

We are unable to investigate complaints about toll payment.

Linkt is a private company that handles toll payments in Queensland and is outside our jurisdiction. You can contact Linkt to make a complaint about tolling issues. If you are unhappy with Linkt's response to your complaint, you can contact the Tolling Customer Ombudsman for more assistance.

Most toll roads in Queensland are operated by Transurban, which is also a private company. Private companies are outside our jurisdiction.

Toowoomba Bypass

The Toowoomba Bypass is the only toll road in Queensland within our jurisdiction as it is operated by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Toll payment is handled by Linkt. If you are unhappy about a Toowoomba Bypass toll matter, you should make a complaint to Linkt first.

If you are unhappy with Linkt's response to your complaint, you can make your complaint to the Department of Transport and Main Roads or complain to us. We may require you to have complained directly to the Department of Transport and Main Roads before we will investigate your complaint.

Demand notices

If you receive a Demand Notice from Linkt for an unpaid toll, you should take action either by:

  • paying the amount specified

  • completing a statutory declaration.

Failure to comply with a Demand Notice is an offence and may result in a Penalty Infringement Notice (PIN) being issued to you. 

If you have questions about how to comply with a Demand Notice, you may wish to get independent legal advice. You can talk to a private solicitor, a community legal centre may be able to help you.

What happens if I receive a Penalty Infringement Notice (PIN)?

The Department of Transport and Main Roads or Brisbane City Council may issue a PIN if you fail to comply with a Demand Notice issued by Linkt.

A PIN is issued for failing to comply with a Demand Notice, not because you did not pay a toll. The PIN will provide information about what action you may take. Usually your options are to:

  • pay the fine
  • transfer the fine to another person

  • dispute the fine in court.

You may wish to seek legal advice about your options.

The Queensland Government provides information about how to transfer or dispute a fine. You can also find out more about traffic infringement notices

What happens if the State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER) contacts me about debts relating to tolling matters?

If you do not respond to a PIN within the specified timeframe, the PIN may be referred to SPER. SPER will then issue you an enforcement order

If you did not receive the PIN or the enforcement order, you may be able to apply to have the enforcement order cancelled. You may wish to seek independent legal advice about your options. Strict timeframes apply. 

Please be aware that SPER can take enforcement action against you, including suspending your driver licence.

When can we help?

You should make your complaint to the relevant agency first, as this is the fastest way to resolve your issue. 

If you have complained to Linkt about a Toowoomba Bypass tolling matter and you are unhappy with Linkt's response, you can make your complaint to the Department of Transport and Main Roads. If you remain unhappy with the Department’s response you can then complain to us.

We can also help if you have complained to the Department of Transport and Main Roads, Brisbane City Council or the State Penalties Enforcement Registry and are unhappy with their response. Make your complaint to us.

Find out more about complaining to the agency involved.