Community engagement

We want everyone who needs our help to know how and when to connect with us.

We do this by providing resources that individuals and community groups can share.

Resources to help you make a complaint

  • sharable videos to help you know how to effectively make a complaint. Available in Auslan and audio description versions.
  • resources from the National Office for Child Safety can help children and young people speak up and make a complaint. There is also information for adults in community groups to support children and young people through the complaint process.

Who we work with

We work with many others, including community groups, government agencies, other ombudsman offices, integrity agencies and complaint-handling bodies throughout Queensland.

Types of activities

We participate in forums, conferences, community events, webinars and presentations. This includes events we hold ourselves and events we are invited to.

Engaging online

We also connect with Queenslanders on social media. Find and follow us on LinkedIn and YouTube.


We are committed to ensuring that our services are accessible to everyone, and realise some people may have barriers to communication. Our accessibility information outlines different ways of connecting with us, and the support that we can provide through the complaints process.

Helping community and advocacy groups advise their clients

People reach out to community and advocacy groups for help when they have a problem.

When advising a client about how to effectively complain about an agency’s administrative action or decision, the following actions may help. Advise your client to:

  1. Contact the agency first
    Give the agency a chance to fix the problem. Government agencies are required to have a complaint management system (CMS) and be accountable for their decisions and actions. The CMS should be easily accessible on an agency’s website. Learn more about complaining to the agency involved.

  2. Use the agency’s complaints process
    Tell them what happened, why it’s wrong and how you think it should be fixed. If you are not satisfied with the result, you have the right to seek a review. Receiving a response on the agency’s review is a final decision from the agency.

  3. External view
    If you are still not satisfied, you can seek an external review by a complaint handling body. Finding the right complaints body to talk to depends on what the matter is about.  Find out what is in the Queensland Ombudsman's jurisdiction (those matters we can deal with) and what to expect if you make a complaint to us before making a complaint.

You can print the Who do I complain to? (PDF 145.5KB) poster to display in your community centre.

Printed resources

We have printed brochures and posters about our role and services that you can display at your community centre. To request that some are sent to you, please email us. You can also download and print materials via the links below:



Subscribe to hear about key events

We have a range of newsletters relating to different areas of our work. Community Perspective is tailored for community and advocacy groups and officers in community services. It covers news about our projects, advice and recent complaints.  Please subscribe to Community Perspective, or keep your eye on the website or LinkedIn, to be notified of key events.

We also publish Casebooks, providing a sample of outcomes that we achieved for Queenslanders through our investigations.