Complaints management

Complaints management resource (PDF 934.9KB)

What is complaints management?

Complaints management is about resolving individual complaints and identifying opportunities to make systemic improvements.

Every organisation that deals with the public will receive complaints. The community expects government organisations to be customer-focused and responsive to complaints.

Government organisations are required to have complaints management systems (CMS) in place and be accountable for their decisions and actions.

Why manage complaints?

An effective CMS is integral to providing quality customer service. It helps to measure customer satisfaction and is a useful source of information and feedback for improving services. Often customers are the first to identify when things are not working properly.

Implementing an effective CMS:

  • improves internal complaints handling
  • reduces recurring complaints
  • improves standards of service to the community
  • raises standards of decision-making.

The way an organisation handles complaints can affect its reputation. Poorly handled complaints can be an expensive exercise that reflects badly on the organisation and reinforces poor business processes.

How should customer complaints be managed?

Customers making complaints should be treated with courtesy and respect. They should be given reasonable assistance to make their complaint.

Customer complaints should be managed by trained staff in an open, accountable, responsive, fair, efficient and effective way in accordance with the organisation's CMS.

What is a CMS?

A CMS is a step-by-step way of receiving, recording, processing, responding to and reporting on complaints and using them to improve systems, decision-making and service delivery.

The core components of a CMS are the organisation's complaints management policy and procedures, complaints database or recording system and other resources.

A CMS must comply with any applicable legislative requirements including recognised standards.

CMS statutory requirements

The Local Government Act 2009 requires each council to adopt a process for resolving administrative action complaints.

Under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, public universities must have appropriate internal complaints handling and appeals processes, including having a process in place for lodging a formal complaint or appeal if the matter cannot be resolved informally.

All Queensland public universities have adopted student grievances and appeals processes that apply to all students, not just overseas students.

The Public Sector Act 2022 requires each state government department and public service office to establish and implement a system for managing customer complaints that complies with the current Australian standard about handling customer complaints (AS 10002:2022).

AS 10002:2022 Guidelines for complaint management in organizations

The standard provides detailed guidance on managing customer complaints within organisations.

It covers guiding principles, complaints management framework, planning and design, operation, and maintenance and improvement.

Queensland Public Service Customer Complaint Management Framework and Guideline 

The Framework provides a consistent approach for managing customer complaints for all public service agencies.

The Framework is supported by the Customer Complaint Management Guideline (the Guideline) which provides more detail on the specific components of the Framework. The guideline provides agencies and their employees with detailed information about customer complaints management. The Guideline also outlines key agency responsibilities relating to record keeping, training and managing unreasonable conduct.

The guideline and framework apply to public sector entities defined under s.264 of the Public Sector Act 2022.

Human rights in complaints management

The introduction of the Human Rights Act 2019 (Human Rights Act) means that human rights considerations now form part of decision-making and complaints management approaches by government agencies.

In relation to customer complaints, this means that complaint handlers are required to identify and consider all relevant human rights when assessing and responding to complaints made under a CMS.

This should be appropriately reflected in agency's CMSs.

The Human Rights Act requires all government agencies in Queensland to act compatibly with
human rights and to give proper consideration to human rights before making a decision.

Under s 58(1) of the
Human Rights Act, it is unlawful for government agencies:

  • to act or make a decision in a way that is not compatible with human rights; or
  • in making a decision, to fail to give proper consideration to a human right relevant to the decision.
If an individual believes a government agency has breached their human rights, they can make a human rights complaint. The complainant must lodge their complaint with the agency in the first instance.

The agency then has 45 business days to respond to the complaint. In exceptional circumstances, the Queensland Human Rights Commission (QHRC) may also accept a complaint before the 45 business days have elapsed.

If the complainant has not received a response from the organisation within 45 business days, or is dissatisfied with the organisation’s response, they can make a complaint to the QHRC.

Assessing compatibility with human rights
Compatible with human rights is defined in s 8 of the
Human Rights Act. Section 8 says that an act or decision will be compatible with human rights if:
  • it does not limit a human right, or
  • it limits a human right only to the extent that is reasonable and demonstrably justifiable, in accordance with s 13 of the Human Rights Act.
This means that every act, policy or decision by a government agency must be assessed for compatibility with these rights.

For more information about considering human rights, please see the Queensland Human Rights Commission’s resources.

You may wish to seek legal advice if you need more detailed guidance on a specific issue, or consult the Queensland Human Rights Commission website for more information.

CMS model

An effective CMS should provide three levels of review:

  1. frontline complaints handling – early resolution
  2. internal assessment, investigation or review
  3. external assessment, investigation or review.

Early resolution

Early resolution covers complaints received by the first point of contact within an agency, such as service counters and call centres.

The majority of complaints should be resolved by frontline staff, who should be supported with appropriate procedures and training.

Internal assessment

Internal assessment  should be used when a complaint is more serious or complex,  or when a complaint can’t be resolved by frontline staff.

The purpose of an internal assessment is to assess information provided by the complainant to identify and resolve the key issues.

An internal assessment should be conducted by a more senior officer who has had no prior involvement in the case.

Internal investigation

An internal investigation is designed to find and evaluate the facts to decide whether the complaint has merit.

An internal investigation should be considered where a complaint raises significant or complex issues for either the complainant or the organisation.

An investigation should be conducted by an officer with the necessary knowledge and experience to conduct an efficient and effective investigation.

Internal review

An internal review is a systematic way of reviewing the complaints process and outcome.

Its aim is to ensure the complaints process complied with the organisation's policy or procedural requirements and that the right outcome has been reached.

An internal review is not an investigation or re-investigation of a complaint. It is a merits review of the complaints process and outcome.

A senior officer, manager or other appropriate officer (internal review officer) should conduct an internal review. An internal review officer should:

  • be in a position equal to or higher than officers involved in the decision/action subject of the complaint
  • have no direct or perceived conflict of interest in the matter
  • have broad discretion to overturn previous decisions and apply remedies.

External review

We are an external review agency.

In general, we will not investigate a matter until the complainant has tried to resolve the problem directly with the organisation concerned and has exhausted any other right of review.

When conducting an investigation, we:

  • must maintain confidentiality
  • are not bound by the rules of evidence
  • must comply with natural justice.

We may provide a report and recommendations to the head of an organisation. These reports are sometimes tabled in the Queensland Parliament and released publicly.

Getting started

We have designed a guide to help organisations develop effective policies.