How can we help community organisations

We want to help community organisations to better assist their members and clients having problems and complaints with Queensland public agencies. We visit organisations and provide an information session on the QO role and services to staff or members.

Advice to clients on how to make a complaint to an organisation involves:

  • Give the organisation a chance to resolve the issue. Government organisations are required to have a complaints management system (CMS) in place and be accountable for their decisions and actions. The CMS should be easily accessible on their website.
  • Learn more about complaining to the organisation involved.
  • Once the organisation’s CMS has been exhausted, and the client and is still dissatisfied with the action or decision, then they can contact this Office for more options.
  • Find out what is in the Queensland Ombudsman's jurisdiction (those matters it can deal with) before making a complaint.


Queensland Complaints Landscape Presentations (QCLP)

We have specifically designed a presentation for community organisation representatives and staff about the Queensland complaints landscape. This presentation was developed to build greater awareness and knowledge of the QO’s services and government complaints systems. It covers navigating the complaints landscape, what you should expect in a complaints process, how to approach making a complaint, what to include in making a complaint, how to progress a complaint and when and how to contact us. These free presentations are offered in Brisbane and regionally.

Last updated: Wednesday, 29 November 2017 9:10:44 AM