Neville Report and Neville Report Update (2011)

The Queensland Ombudsman released two reports into the death of Elise Neville.

  1. The Neville Report investigated the adequacy of the health complaint mechanisms in Queensland, and other systemic issues identified as a result of the death of Elise Neville, aged 10 years.  This report identified a number of significant flaws with the Queensland health system, including unsafe working hours and a lack of appropriate supervision of junior staff. The report was finalised in June 2006 and provided to the coroner and relevant agencies, but was not made public until 29 June 2011.
  2. The Neville Report Update investigated the implementation of recommendations arising from the original investigation in 2006. The report described the status of the implementation of recommendations made in 2006 and recorded various administrative changes since this time. The report was released on 29 June 2011.


Last updated: Monday, 15 October 2018 9:29:09 AM